## version $VER: MousoMeter.catalog 3.01 (01.03.94) ## codeset 0 ## language ????? ;o\0Ok MSG_OK_GAD ;About MSG_ABOUT_TIT ;Meassures keyboard-activity MSG_DESCRIPTION ;\033cKeys MSG_KEYS ;Today: MSG_TODAY ;Total: MSG_TOTAL ;TippoMeter-Message MSG_REQUEST_TIT ;Reset|Ok|Cancel MSG_RESETREQ_GAD ;V37+ required ERR_WRONGKICK ;I can't find your keymap-resource ERR_NOKEYMAP_RES ;I can't find your keymap\nPlease check tooltype REAL_KEYMAP ERR_NOKEYMAP ;Can't open xpkmaster.library ERR_NOXPK ;MUI failed to create application ERR_NOAPP ;AllocSignal failed ERR_NOSIG ;CreateMsgPort failed ERR_NOPORT ;Can't allocate IORequest ERR_NOIO ;Can't open console.device ERR_NOCONDEV ;Can't open timer.device ERR_NOTIMEDEV ;Can't open keyboard.device ERR_NOKEYDEV ;Can't install input-handler ERR_NOINPHANDL ;Can't create CX-Filter ERR_NOCXFILT ;Can't create CX_Sender ERR_NOCXSEND ;Tippometer-Message MSG_REQU_TIT ;CHECKSUM-FAILURE !!\nAbout to delete your data-file ;-))) MSG_CHECK_TXT ;Let's go MSG_CHECKOK ;Code Key Today Total MSG_KEY_BAR1 ;Code Real Act Today Total MSG_KEY_BAR2 ;General Statistics MSG_GENERAL_TIT ;ASCII Statistics MSG_ASCII_TIT ; ASCII Today Total MSG_ASCII_BAR ;SortMethod MSG_SORT_GRP ;Key Statistics MSG_KEYSTAT_TIT ;List 1 MSG_LIST1_TXT ;Qualifiers MSG_QUALIF_TXT ;l\0L\no\nc\nk MSG_LOCK_GAD ;List 2 MSG_LIST2_TXT ;Key Sums Statistics MSG_KEYSUM_TIT ;lshift l MSG_LIST1_HOT ;rshift l MSG_LIST2_HOT ;\n Today Tippometer was active for %s hours\n Your hitrate for today is %.3lf chars/h\n MSG_GENERAL_TXT1 ; I think you're still sleeping MSG_GENERAL_MSG1 ; Are you trying to make a new MousoMeter record ? MSG_GENERAL_MSG2 ; I think you need a typewriter lesson MSG_GENERAL_MSG3 ; Your eagle technic is perfect MSG_GENERAL_MSG4 ; You have a good search algorithm for the keys MSG_GENERAL_MSG5 ; You like editors, don't you ? MSG_GENERAL_MSG6 ; You're doing hard work, eh ? MSG_GENERAL_MSG7 ; Puh! Nice performance MSG_GENERAL_MSG8 ; Dou you've installed a turboboard in your fingers ? MSG_GENERAL_MSG9 ; I'm still searching a secretary. Please call me! MSG_GENERAL_MSG10 ; Till now Tippometer was active for %ld days, %s hours \n Your hitrate for this time is %.3lf chars/h\n\n And never forget to clean your keyboard\n or use rubber gloves<:o)\n MSG_GENERAL_TXT2 ;*Ok|Ignore|Cancel MSG_CHECKDATE_GAD ;\033cSystemdate is more than MAXDATEDIFF days\nafter last saved TippoMeter-Date\nPlease check the systemdate MSG_CHECKDATE1_TXT ;\033cSystemdate is before last\nsaved TippoMeter-Date\nPlease check the systemdate MSG_CHECKDATE2_TXT ;TippoMenu MSG_TIPPO_MNU ;A\0About... MSG_ABOUT_MNU ;H\0Hide MSG_HIDE_MNU ;Q\0Quit MSG_QUIT_MNU ;Statistics MSG_STAT_MNU ;G\0General... MSG_GENERAL_MNU ;S\0ASCII... MSG_ASCII_MNU ;K\0Key... MSG_KEY_MNU ;E\0Key Sums... MSG_KEYSUM_MNU ;ASCII descending MSG_ASCD_SORT ;Today ascending MSG_TODA_SORT ;Today descending MSG_TODD_SORT ;Total ascending MSG_TOTA_SORT ;Total descending MSG_TOTD_SORT ;Keys descending MSG_KEYD_SORT ;Error loading Savefile MSG_LOER_TIT ;*_Ok|_Quit|_Cancel MSG_LOER_BUT ;Error loading savefile!\n\nPress Ok to try the backup\nor Cancel to set all counters to 0 MSG_LOER_TXT ;Couldn't allocate memory for semaphore ERR_NOSEM